So this is my first blog post for this page. I intend to start writing everything regard my crafts on a whole new blog as I didn't want to have anything from my past that has no link to any form of crafts to be in this blog that I want to have solely for my crafty things. I've been meaning to start on this for quite some time and since I finally finished the toughest point in my last year of schooling, and can finally continuing my crafts, I was like "WHY NOT". 

I crochet and knit, but recently found a new love for clay making (which I haven't got the chance to do it and when I do I will jot down the process here) and the sudden realisation of how much I actually love miniatures. For some reason I didn't realise that i actually try to make everything I do as small as possible and I honestly never really like crocheting huge items, but it never occurred to me what I really wanted to do was to create MINIATURES. Hence, I'll be aiming for that now whenever I craft and I already have some sort of items to make. I can't wait.