from $3.95

NOTE: Due to some error, the saxophone on this sticker pack has a gap, hence it’s on sale right now! (The rest of the illustrations are 100% fine). As such, the laptop sticker for saxophones are at 50% off too. For more information (i.e photo) please head to this post.

🎼This is for all you band peeps, and for the times I was in concert band! 🎶A bit cheesy here, but being in band and playing the clarinet was one of the best part of my teenager years, and I’ve always wanted to try illustrating instruments! 🎺💖

So this is my attempt, with my little blobs playing them! To ensure the instruments’ details would be seen, each blob are at least twice bigger than the other blob planner sticker packs, so do take note!

This sticker pack comes with:
15 blobs playing instruments
14 instruments (no double bass and drums by itself)
5 sets of 4 different music notes (totalling 20)
5 misc illustrations (title, music stand, 3x music scores).

A whooping 54 stickers in total!

All sticker packs are illustrated, cut, packed, and delivered by handxmade! As a result, products may have subtle variations or imperfections.

Do note that all prices are in USD.

There are three types of finish for the stickers - Transparent (glossy), Matte, and Satin. They are all waterproof but not friction proof. See the finish here.

Dimensions: 7.2cm x 10.2cm (Easily fit into an A5 planner!)

As all monitors are calibrated differently, colours may vary from display to display.

If you’re a patron on my support-based membership platform - HandxmadeFAM, remember to use your discount code, and remember you can also redeem it from the Reward Vault if you have enough points! 💖(To know what the point system and Reward Vault is, please visit my FAQ section)

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